Protection of personal data

Why have a privacy policy?

  1. A benchmark brand in the world of PPE with professional clothing, safety footwear and accessories.

In order to offer our services and products, we need to collect and process personal data from our customers, partners and website users. With a view to respecting your privacy and ensuring transparency, this confidentiality policy is intended to inform you about the use that will be made of your personal data and about your rights in this respect.

2. Our identity and contact details

DEV2 is the parent company of a number of different companies. In this privacy policy, the word "we" or "us" refers to the group as a whole, and to our business for professionals carried on by :

  • DEV2, a simplified joint stock company, registered with the Toulouse Trade and Companies Register under number 918 033 895, whose registered office is located at 4 chemin de Naudinats, 31770 Colomiers, and
  • FRANCE TEXTILE PRODUCTION, a simplified joint stock company, registered in the Toulouse Trade and Companies Register under number 392 813 242, with its registered office at 4 chemin de Naudinats, 31770 Colomiers.

You may, at any time, request details of the group companies that process your data, by contacting our DPO at the address below.

If you have any questions about this policy or, more generally, our use of your personal data, please contact us at the following e-mail address:

Who is affected by our data processing?

In the course of providing our services, we may need to process the personal data of a number of people, including

  • Members of staff of our professional customers in the distribution sector,
  • Staff members of our suppliers and service providers,
  • Visitors to our website

N.B. Candidates: Candidates for employment within our group are invited to consult our RGPD information dedicated to our recruitment actions.

1. What personal data do we process?

We may process the following types of information in particular:

  • Personal data: Your first and last names;
  • Contact details: Your business email address and telephone number;
  • Professional information: Your company, job title and field of activity and, more generally, the professional information that you can enter via our distributor area;
  • Nature of your request: Information of a professional nature that you can enter via the forms on this site or as part of our email exchanges;
  • Connection data: when you visit our website, we may collect information relating to your connection to the site, information relating to your browsing (duration of consultation, your IP address, your browser type and version).

In general, we try to limit the personal information we process to what is strictly necessary to provide you with a complete and efficient service.

When personal data is collected, you will be informed whether the data processed is compulsory or optional, for legal, regulatory or contractual reasons. In the event of obligation, we will warn you if your decision not to provide the data requested would have an impact on our ability to provide the services offered.

5. How and why do we use your personal data?

Order management: As part of our services, we may process the personal data of members of our customers' staff. For example, in order to track orders, deliveries or provide after-sales service.

Purpose: Operational and administrative management of orders from our corporate customers.

Legal basis: The legitimate interest of companies in the group in processing orders from its legal entity/distributor customers.

Creation and follow-up of the "Distributors" account: Our professional customers can log on to our site to place orders online. As part of our commercial relationship, we may collect information about your functions within the client company.

Purpose: To manage our relationship with our regular customers in order to guarantee the effectiveness and relevance of our services and to enable online orders to be placed.

Legal basis: The legitimate interest of the companies in the group in ensuring the creation and monitoring of the accounts of its legal entity/distributor customers.

E-mail newsletter: We may send messages by e-mail to our customers about our events and news, in particular offers and sales.

Purpose: To send commercial information to our existing customers.

Legal basis: Your consent when you subscribe to the newsletter using the form available on this site. The company's legitimate interest in sending its business customers electronic prospecting messages concerning its products or services. You may object to the sending of such messages at any time by contacting or by clicking on the unsubscribe links in the message you receive.

Surveys and satisfaction surveys: We may communicate surveys and satisfaction surveys via social networks or by e-mail to our customers and professional partners.

Purpose: To improve our products and services by taking into account feedback from our customers and partners.

Legal basis: The Group's legitimate interest in requesting feedback from its business contacts. The consent of the person concerned when completing a survey.

Management of suppliers and service providers: In order to provide our services, we use various suppliers and service providers. In this context, we may process the personal data of staff members of the companies in question.

Purpose: To manage suppliers and service providers and the services they provide.

Legal basis: The legitimate interest of group companies in managing and monitoring their service providers and professional sub-contractors.

Audit of suppliers and service providers: In order to ensure that we work in confidence, we may collect information on the social and environmental activities of our suppliers and service providers, via questionnaires.

Purpose: To ensure transparency and trust with our suppliers and service providers, as part of a quality approach.

Legal basis: The legitimate interest of Group companies in ensuring the quality and conformity of its products.

Review of your requests for information: We analyse, sort and classify the information concerning you when we first become aware of your interest in our services (outside the framework of orders placed).

Purpose: To manage the contact requests we receive.


Legal basis: Your consent when filling in the form on the site. The legitimate interest of group companies in processing requests relating to their products and services.

Management of applications: We process data from people who have applied for a job within the company via the dedicated section of the site or via a third party recruitment company or site. Candidates for employment within our group are invited to consult our RGPD information dedicated to our recruitment activities.

Purpose: To manage job applications.

Legal basis: Applicants' consent, in the event of submission via an online form. You may withdraw your consent at any time, without calling into question the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to this withdrawal, by contacting The legitimate interests of the company, in the case of applications sent by post or delivered by hand.

Cookies: When you use the site, it automatically retrieves certain information from your device in order to optimise your web experience. This data is also used for website statistics. For more information on our use of cookies, you can consult our Cookie Management Tool.
Purpose: Operation and optimisation of the website. Statistical monitoring of visits to the website.

Legal basis: The legitimate interest of the company with regard to cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the website. Your consent for statistical cookies.

Video surveillance of our premises: We may use cameras to secure access to our premises and warehouses.

Purpose: To ensure the security of the premises, as well as of goods and people present on site.

Legal basis: Our legitimate interest in keeping our premises as secure as possible, in order to prevent any attack on property or people.

Legal and regulatory obligations: We may process the personal data of data subjects in order to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations or with requests from public institutions and authorities.

Purpose: To comply with our legal or regulatory obligations.

Legal basis: Our legal or regulatory obligations.

Legal defence: We may process the personal data of data subjects in order to respond to requests from judicial authorities or to defend our legal rights.

Purpose: To defend ourselves in court.

Legal basis: Our legitimate interest in defending ourselves in court.

6. With whom do we share your personal data?

We may share your personal data in particular with

  • Suppliers and technical service providers: companies that help us with IT maintenance, website management and telephony;
  • Hosting companies: providers of IT hosting solutions;
  • Couriers and parcel delivery services: efficient order processing;
  • Professional advisers: such as our lawyers, accountants and auditors;
  • Public authorities: if we are required to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with a legal obligation.

7. How long do we keep your personal data?

We only keep your personal data for as long as is necessary to provide the services you have subscribed to, taking into account the following criteria in particular:

  • The nature and purpose of the processing in question;
  • The categories of data processed;
  • The applicable limitation periods;
  • Applicable contractual provisions;
  • Industry standards;
  • The recommendations of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).
  • You may, at any time, request clarification of the specific retention periods for your data by contacting our DPO at

8. What are your rights with regard to your personal data?

Your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data include those set out below. These rights may apply to your situation depending on the circumstances. For example, the right to withdraw your consent will not apply where processing is not based on your consent.

  • These rights are as follows:
  • The right to request from us:
  • access to your personal data and information about our processing of it ("right of access");
  • to correct or complete your personal data if it is inaccurate ("right of rectification");
  • the erasure of your personal data ("right to be forgotten");
  • a restriction on the processing of your personal data ("right to restriction");
  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data by the Group ("right to object");
  • The right to request your personal data in a usable electronic format and/or the transmission of this data to another organisation ("right to data portability");
  • The right to set out guidelines for the retention, erasure and disclosure of your personal data after your death ("post-death guidelines");
  • The right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data insofar as the processing is based on your consent. In this case, the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal of consent will not be called into question.
  • If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us by e-mail at dpo@france
  • You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), whose website can be consulted at the following address:

9. Where is your personal data processed?

Your personal data is hosted on our internal servers in France or on external Cloud servers located in the European Union (EU). If a transfer of data outside the EU is necessary to provide an IT service provided by one of our service providers, this transfer is governed by the European Commission's standard contractual clauses, combined, where applicable, with the implementation of additional technical measures.